Monday, January 11, 2010

How to approach any nonfiction text ...

Nonfiction text is language that purports to be true.  It is presented with as much authority as possible.

Fiction does tricks to make the reader to pretend.  Believability IS important in fiction because the audience member must be able to imagine the story ... because imagination is based on the memory of real things.

To understand what you are reading, similar processes are required.  But, there are some very distinct differences.

  1. Write the differences between approaching nonfiction and fiction.
  2. Make a list of examples of different kinds of nonfiction.
  3. Talk about nonfiction structures and make notes in your J

1 comment:

  1. Scope it out.
    Set a knowledge goal.
    Establish a need.
    Look at structure for shortcutting.
    Decide on approach.
    Sort perceptions.
